Welcome to the Litany.
Let it be known that the trials, horrors, and (infrequently) successes of a small digital media company are recorded here. May we never forgot the extent to which stupidity remains the most abundant element in our universe.
After enduring bewilderment and suffering for a number of years, two employees decided to begin chronicling that which is stupid.
Introducing HPDEB and GHC.
These two are the primary survivors and chroniclers of this adventure. Thank them for the stories, but remember to shed a tear for their suffering.
HPDEB (High-Paid Data Entry Bitch) attempted to feign an active state of ambivalence, in order to retain some semblance of sanity. His name comes from a particularly effective attempt by the CEO to price the company entirely out of contention for desired work.
GHC (God’s Hated Child) endured much suffering at the hands of the Riddler, but enjoyed employing the Sledgehammer of Silence in frequent, deliberate doses. GHC has a peculiar fascination with Riddler’s shipping fetish.
Other Participants / Victims
The entire cast of characters involved in this sordid tale of business fuckery are described. See the Heroes and Villains of the Litany.